CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) was created by experienced Health & Safety professionals in 1997 to improve the Health & Safety standards in the UK. 
CHAS was created to achieve; simple Health & Safety contractor assessments, by standardising requirements, to allow companies to avoid undergoing Health & Safety assessments for every job. 
CHAS undergoes an annual audit to achieve and maintain the HSE’s SSIP Standard. 
What Is CHAS Accreditation? 
The most basic CHAS Accreditation is completed with a main Health & Safety assessment, complete with four additional SELF-CERTIFIED question sets.Health & Safety – Assessment; The assessment is carried out by one of their qualified assessors, so you can be assured that any assessment is being carried out by an assessor with the appropriate knowledge base. 
1. Environmental- Self Certify 
2. Quality Management- Self Certify 
3. Equal Opportunities & Diversity - Self Certify 
4. Financial & Business Standing - Self Certify 
The assessment is carried out electronically in the form of a desktop exercise, reviewing your Health & Safety Policy and associated procedures, processes, arrangements and records- so there are no visits to your office or site. 
The Benefits of the CHAS Accreditation 
Being a CHAS accredited contractor shows protentional clients you are compliant with the highest standards of Health & Safety. When a supplier achieves CHAS compliance this gives them the approval to work for any of the CHAS accredited buyers. As a recognised standard, 
Organisations looking for a contractor will be aware that a CHAS accredited contractor will meet their expectations, in respect of all the appropriate Health & Safety laws. CHAS opens you up to more business opportunities to both the supplier and customer, there are also benefits in the form of advertising, which includes the use of the CHAS logo on both your paperwork and website. 
The Benefits of the CHAS Accreditation 
Being a CHAS accredited contractor shows potential clients you are compliant with the highest standards of Health & Safety. 
When a supplier achieves CHAS compliance this gives them the approval to work for any of the CHAS accredited buyers. As a recognised standard, Organisations looking for a contractor will be aware that a CHAS accredited contractor will meet their expectations, in respect of all the appropriate Health & Safety laws. CHAS opens you up to more business opportunities to both the supplier and customer, there are also benefits in the form of advertising, which includes the use of the CHAS logo on both your paperwork and website. 
How can Auxil Help You Gain This? 
CHAS requires some very specific documents and training that you may not already have. The application process can be quite daunting and can often be lengthy but do not worry, at Auxil our expert team can help in many ways including; Staff Training, carrying out Risk Assessments, Pre-qualification questionnaires (contractor control), accident/incident reporting including RIDDOR, a Site Audit, Toolbox Talks that we can assist with and creating an updated Health & Safety Policy. This ensures that you are deemed compliant and remain so in accordance with the accrediting body. 
Call or email us if you need any assistance with your CHAS application on 0330 088 4352 
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