Fireworks - Top 10 Safety Tips
Posted on 9th October 2017 at 21:48
Now we have reached October, the fireworks season is almost upon us.
The NHS announced in 2016 that there had been around 4,500 reported cases of people attending hospitals with firework-related injuries, many of whom were children, so here are our 10 top tips for enjoying a safe firework display...

1. Rather than arranging one yourself, think about attending an organised display. Far fewer people are injured at these.
2. Buy your fireworks from reputable dealers and ensure they carry the British standard number BS7114.
3. Always keep your fireworks in a closed box and use just one at a time.
4. Avoid any naked flames near the fireworks, including cigarettes.
5. Sparklers are promoted as relatively ‘safe’ fireworks, but are the ones responsible for most injuries. Only give to children over 5 to hold, ensure they are wearing gloves and that they hold them at arm’s length. Put into a bucket of cold water to fully extinguish.
6. If you are having a bonfire, make sure it is not near to a shed or any fences. Also check the wind direction.
7. Do not use paraffin, petrol or methylated spirits to light a bonfire.
8. Make sure the spectators are well away from the bonfire, and point any rockets, jumping jacks, etc., away from them.
9. The RSPCA estimate half of the nation’s pet dogs are scared of fireworks, so be considerate of pets.
10. For further information, the Firework Code and video clips about firework safety visit the ROSPA website.
Tagged as: Firework Safety, Top 10 Tips
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