I know that workplace health and safety practices have improved greatly in recent years but there is still much to do, especially when making risk assessments. 
Firstly, let me tell you what risk assessments are not: they are not a mass of paperwork.  
A risk assessment involves identifying possible situations that may arise in the workplace that could cause harm to people. Once identified, a formal documented procedure should be put in place. 
A risk assessment is all about hazards and risks. 
A hazard is anything that might cause harm in the workplace. This could be electricity, trailing wires, dangerous chemicals or working at height. 
A risk is the possibility that someone could be harmed by these hazards and an assessment of how harmful that might be. 
These are the logical steps to take when preparing a risk assessment: 
1. Identify the hazard. 
2. Identify the people at risk from the hazard. This is usually employees but may be members of the public as well. 
3. Identify controls currently in place and determine the level of residual risk. 
4. Identify any additional controls that may be required. 
5. Record your findings. 
6. Arrange to review your risk assessment after a set period of time, when an incident or accident has taken place, when any changes are made to the procedure or if there are changes to any relevant legislation. 
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