"So What Is It You Do Exactly?"
Posted on 13th April 2017 at 22:58
You’d be surprised how often we get asked this question, so we thought we’d write up a Case Study of one job we were heavily involved with.
Walmer Yard is a unique development of four spectacular new three storey houses with additional basements in West London, designed by Peter Salter for property developer Crispin Kelly. The project took some thirteen years to come to fruition and the resulting properties are expected to fetch a cool £22 million.
We were involved for nearly four years, dealing with a host of Health & Safety issues that arose from this fascinating development.

The construction took place in a courtyard, a tight space between two existing houses, so one of the first things we needed to do was establish the party wall documentation. It was essential that none of our properties abutted the existing ones.
There was no water, sewers or drainage, so that also had to be organised before work began.
Once we met the workforce, we quickly realised we had a further problem as many did not have English as their first language. It was up to us to organise a team of interpreters to ensure they all understood what was required of them with regards to Health & Safety. We also organised a thorough Health & Safety induction for everyone associated with this unique site.
So that tells the first part of the story. For the rest, including how we got a crane in and out of the tiny site, take a look at this link: http://www.walmeryard.co.uk/
Tagged as: Construction Safety, Health and Safety, Health and Safety Audits, Health and Safety Inspections, RAMS, Walmer Yard Case Study
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