SMAS is short for Safety Management Advisory Services. They are a Health & Safety assessment organisation that offers a nationally recognised Health & Safety accreditation used to demonstrate your business' Health and Safety standards.  
They are a co-founding member of the Safety Schemes in Procurement or better known as SSIP. 
Here at Auxil Limited we have just successfully renewed SMAS for another year, 
SMAS is a recognised SSIP Accreditation which helps us keep up to date with our policies and procedures. Without this accreditation we would not be able to, in good knowledge, give the pristine and established services we are proud to provide. 
All of the assessments are undertaken in-house which enable SMAS to offer a consistent standard across all assessments, the minimum standards SMAS assess against are set out in the SSIP Core Criteria. 
Renewing your SMAS Accreditation means you are constantly looking at your policies, procedures and management to find ways of improving and maintaining the highest of standards. Also, SSIP Accreditations provide insight for potential clients/customers to see the level of work that you carry out, without having to find reviews of your service elsewhere. 
When your business is re-awarded the SMAS accreditation this can help sustain your business’ professional image, helping you to continue to gain clients and keep the contracts you already have.This also brings value to your business showing your current clients and your potential clients that you are taking your Health & Safety obligations seriously. 
Renewing your SMAS can be as daunting as the first time application was, our specialist team of consultants can help you in many ways including; Staff Training, carrying out Risk Assessments, providing an updated Health and Safety policy, Pre-qualification questionnaires (contractor control), accident/incident reporting including RIDDOR and site audits. This ensures that you are deemed compliant and remain so in accordance with the accrediting body. 
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