CDM stands for Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 and not Cadbury’s Dairy Milk! 
CDM 2015 applies to all construction work which means the carrying out of any building, civil engineering or engineering construction work. 
Who are the duty Holders under the CDM 2015 regulations? 
1. Clients are organisations or individuals for whom a commercial construction project is carried out and have control of the decisions relating to the build. They must; 
a. Appoint a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor in writing or accept their duties themselves and assess their competence; 
b. ensure an F10 notification is submitted to the HSE, if the project is over 500 person days or over 30 days with more than 20 persons on site at any one time; 
c. Ensure suitable welfare facilities are in place from day 1 of construction 
d. provide Pre-Construction Information (PCI) to every designer and contractor appointed 
e. before the construction phase begins, a Construction Phase Plan (CPP) is in place 
f. a Health and Safety File for the project is prepared when construction is complete 
Client Guidance 
2. Domestic clients are people who have construction work carried out on their own home, or the home of a family member that is not done as part of a business, whether for profit or not. The Regulations do not apply and client duties passed on to contractor and / or designers 
3. Designers are those, who as part of a business, prepare or modify designs for a building, 
4. Principal Designers are competent persons with skills, knowledge, experience and training in both design and Health and Safety. Appointed by the client in projects involving more than one contractor. They can be an organisation or an individual with sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to carry out the role. Their duties include; 
a. the principal designer must identify and eliminate or control, so far as is reasonably practicable, foreseeable risks within their design. 
b. satisfied that the client is aware of the duties under CDM2015 
c. ensure a Pre-Construction Information Document is prepared on behalf of the client 
d. ensure Designer Risk Assessments are produced by all designers for the project 
e. ensure the client submits an F10 HSE notification as required 
f. ensure appropriate information is included in the health and safety file 
g. Ensure the Project Health and Safety File is handed over to the Client at the end of construction 
Principal Designer Guidance 
5. Principal Contractors are contractors appointed by the client to coordinate the construction phase of a project where it involves more than one contractor. 
a. plan, manage, monitor and coordinate the entire construction phase 
b. prepare a written construction phase plan before the construction phase begins, implement, and then regularly review and revise it to make sure it remains fit for purpose 
c. ensure suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start and maintained throughout the construction phase 
d. check that anyone they appoint has the skills, knowledge, experience and, where relevant, the organisational capability to carry out their work safely and without risk to health 
e. ensure all workers have site-specific inductions, and any further information and training they need 
f. take steps to prevent unauthorised access to the site 
Principal Contractor Guidance 
6. Contractors are those who do the actual construction work and can be either an individual or a company. 
7. Workers are the people who work for or under the control of contractors on a construction site. 
What welfare facilities MUST be available on site? 
1. Toilets, adequately lit and ventilated, kept clean and separate for men or women of with individual locks 
2. Washing Facilities near to toilets with hot running water, contain soap and a means of drying hands 
3. Drinking Water, marked with a sign and a cup needs to be provided, unless a water jet 
4. Changing/ Drying Rooms, including seating and lockers. Separate for Men and Women. 
5. Canteen with tables and individual seating with backs, means of preparing meals and boiling water. 
Documents Required 
1. Pre-Construction Information (PCI) – A pack of documents containing information on the existing site hazards 
2. Designer Risk Assessment (DRA) – a document that assesses the risks within the design 
3. F10 – Online submission to HSE if project over 500 person days, or 30 days duration with over 20 persons on site at any one time 
4. Construction Plan (CP) – produced by Principal Contractor on how will manage H&S during construction 
5. Induction – Information given to site workers to inform them of the Health and safety measures on site 
6. Risk Assessments and Method Assessments (RAMS) – Assessment and methodology of construction tasks 
7. Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health Assessments (COSHH) – Means of controlling hazardous substances 
8. Health and Safety File – A final document containing information, for future work, of the residual hazards within the building or structure 
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