The HSE states that first aid in the workplace can mean life or death depending on how immediate the securement of first aid is and its implementation in an accident or incident. 
This is outlined in the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 which places it as the employer’s duty to provide the relevant, adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel for which to treat injured employees in the event of an incident. 
A first aid assessment must be carried out in order to ensure that the necessary equipment and responsibilities are provided in the worksite. 
A first aid box must be provided onsite at all times with the necessary tools and contents needed in accordance with the first aid assessment. The number of first aid boxes will vary on the size of the site. Their contents must be sufficient and appropriate to the work performed. 
Contents may include: 
• A leaflet providing guidance to general first aid 
• Sterile plasters 
• Sterile eye pads 
• Safety pins 
• Triangular bandages, preferably sterile 
• Disposable gloves 
• Medium and large sterile unmedicated wound dressings 
Other first aid equipment may include scissors, eyewash, aprons, adhesive tape and moist wipes, which can be stored within the first aid box itself. 
A First Aider must be appointed in the workplace, being sufficiently trained and competent in applying first aid in the event of an accident, incident and emergency. The number of First Aiders onsite will depend on the size of the site itself and the number of workers within it. 
If a first aid assessment requires an Appointed Person as well, this can be arranged. The Appointed Person serves as a secondary to the First Aider, their duties involve calling emergency services and looking after the first aid equipment. Similar to the First Aider, the number of Appointed Persons will also depend on the size of the site and the workforce. 
What Can We Learn From This? – Toolbox Talk Details 
• First aid kits must be fully stocked at all times 
• The number of First Aiders and Appointed Persons reflects the needs of the site 
• It is the employer’s duty to ensure first aid requirements are suitable and sufficient 
If you require any further information regarding our Health and Safety services please click here alternatively click on the tags below for further reading. 
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